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HiSupplier and Other 4 Enterprises Jointly Undertake a Activity
Updated:2013-07-31 | Clicks:2174

In the afternoon of 23rd July, a forum named ˇ°Ningbo Software, Intimate Serviceˇ± was starting in Ningbo KaiYuan Hotel. This activity was hosted by Ningbo Economic and Informatization Commission and undertaken by HiSupplier as well as other 4 enterprises.

Keyu Lin, the Committee Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Ningbo City delivered the opening speech.He said, Ningbo Economic and Informatization Commission hosting the ˇ°Ningbo Software, Intimate Serviceˇ± forum, is in order to help enterprises to cooperate with each other and to realize co-prosperity and mutual benefit. 

This forum was undertaken by HiSupplier and other 4 software enterprises, supporting minor enterprises to achieve information construction through E-commerce, network promoting, ERP management software and other aspects. We expect that more enterprises can be helped in information management and marketing through this activity.


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