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HiSupplier held Ningbo software • Integrated Services Series Events
Updated:2014-11-13 | Clicks:1939
In the afternoon of 12th November, HiSupplier and three other software companies contracted Ningbo software¡¤Integrated Services series of activities held at the Sofitel Hotel, which was sponsored by the Ningbo Economic and Information Technology Commission.

Meeting with "corporate marketing and cross-border trade electricity provider network-wide transformation of the way" as the theme around the "whole network marketing" and "cross-border electricity supplier" These two hot topics, using information technology refresh of foreign trade enterprises development ideas.

Ningbo City Commission by letter introduced the "Ningbo software¡¤Integrated Services" series, organized by four local information company jointly set up the SME information service platform was formally established in May this year, has successfully held a number of series of forums. Sharing information through foreign trade, foreign trade entrepreneurs to explore ideas, preferential policies, to help more SMEs to take advantage of information technology, the Internet business development thinking, get more orders.

Information service platform for SMEs since inception, has been combined with its own advantages, through resource integration and information sharing, focus to concentrate on services to SMEs. Hope that through our efforts to help more SMEs to upgrade and stand out, in the fierce competition.


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